what makes the move better series different?

PTs are movement experts.

We understand biomechanics, injury reduction, and exercise physiology which makes our programming more sophisticated and effective than most.  Our goal is to teach you how to move better and get strong safely and efficiently.  From first time lifters through seasoned gym rats, our programming is safe, inspiring, and truly life-changing.  

Exercise like it's medicine.

Intelligent strength and conditioning is the key to improving lifespan (how long you live) and health span (how long you live disease free).  Even if we work out often, we may be missing the key pieces that have the biggest impact.  The Move Better Team THRIVES on integrating the most current data to improve our athletes' longevity in the most efficient way possible. 

Your body doesn't have an expiration date.

Our program can take you from feeling "old and broken" to strong and fit for life.  Soreness and weakness are less connected with our age or prior injuries and more connected with lack of appropriate training.  Our bodies are resilient and will build capacity if we train appropriately, regardless of our age! 

Be fit for life. 

It seems we are all short on time so why try to squeeze one more thing in on your to-do list?   The data is clear, spend less time at the gym but increase the intensity and you'll get the biggest gains.  Our workouts are designed to give you the biggest health bang for your buck. 

Get strong, stay safe.

If you aren't doing appropriate strength training after the age of 40, you will lose 18-54% of your strength over 10 years.  Intimidating?  Yah.  Motivating?  Hope so.